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Illuminatus and You Are The Conspiracy are registered trademarks of Dark Mushroom Games Pty Ltd.
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Illuminatus You Are The Conspiracy is the board game you have been looking for!
Set in the modern world Illuminatus is a conspiracy themed strategy board game for 2-6 players ages 14+ (or younger if accompanied by a member of the intelligence services).
Dark Mushroom Games is launching Illuminatus in 2023.
Caution this is not a Eurogame. Put your safe spaces away. Triggering encouraged. Illuminatus is Rated "C" for Conspiracy.
Must see amusing artwork
The illustrations for the game are very tongue in cheek with loads of subtle and some not so subtle references to conspiracies and recent world events. Too soon? Oh no you didn't? Oh yes we did! ;)
Semi co-operative (for a while)
Do what thou will is the way of the illuminatus. Work with other players whilst it suits you, but don't let them get too far ahead. Play cards out of turn to "help" or hinder your fellow players. "About that attack of yours unfortunately it has had an unfortunate side effect..."
Conspiracy steeped secret agendas
Safe within the walls of your secret hideout, pull strings to manipulate world events. Things don't just happen you as an illuminatus makes them happen. Push your own hidden agendas, achieve all you can and amass piles of gold before the other players or the end of the world gets there first!
Highly thematic gameplay
Played over a world map first agree the end of the world theme for each game - what will yours be? Perform False Flag attacks and assassinations to destabilise regions and governments around the world. Influence world events, research new technologies to get an edge on your fellow players, declare a "War on.." something and reap the profits. You are the conspiracy! (for a night anyways)
Every attack costs you
Play cards and roll dice to execute your attacks. Be careful as every attack has a cost, become too (in)famous and exposed and you lose the game. Stay in the shadows and deflect blame on other players wherever possible. Too many overt attacks can fast track the end of the world and then everyone loses (the game)!
Who will you play tonight?
Play as one of the classic conspiracy factions - Military Industrial Complex, Big Pharma, Big Agra, The Big O (Odessa), Greenies and more. Choose wisely (or randomly!). Each faction has varied statistics and their own special abilities that you can use to implement your plans and ultimately decide the fate of the world...
We have had plenty of fun designing and playing Illuminatus, but don't just take our word for it! As part of the extensive development process not only have we been added to numerous government watch lists but we've also managed to get the game out there into the hands of some fellow conspirators. We have playtested the game at numerous Australian unpub events, PAX Australia and even got extraordinarily rendered all the way over to the USA for GenCon in Indianapolis. Check out some of our Gencon playtesters' feedback below:
A few key media assets have also reviewed the game aiding in our ongoing psyop. Check out some of our their [REDACTED] commentary below:
You decide!
Chemtrails? GMOs? Fluoridation? Weather control? Currency manipulation? Suppressed technology? Deadly viruses? Hired assassins? Government agencies? Corrupt politicians? Shoddy journalism? Collateral damage?
Gameplay reveals conspiracy with each roll of the dice and card that is played as you edge ever closer to the doomsday scenario and end of the world.
Is it just a coincidence that the attack your fellow player made last turn was remarkably similar to one on the news the other night? Maybe not?
You're probably just reading too much into it right? Right? Right? Shhhh! What was that sound?
It has been a long tortuous wait (too soon?) but Illuminatus is almost here!
Gamers - Please click on one of the green buttons on the page to register to be notified of our imminent launch. The only way this will be successful is if you help spread the word so please tell your friends, family, resident double agents and allies alike!
Games Stores/Retailers - Interested in stocking Illuminatus at your store? Click on the STORES ONLY button below to register your interest.
Copyright © Dark Mushroom Games Pty Ltd 2023.
Illuminatus and You Are The Conspiracy are registered trademarks of Dark Mushroom Games Pty Ltd.
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